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Kleen Burn Oil Cleaner

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Product Code: KBOSC
Availability: In Stock
from: £4.90 - £5.95

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Kleen Burn Oil System

Flush and Conditioner

Is a new generation, low volatility, professional automotive engine flush from Envirotec Industries. It has been developed to cleanse vital engine components safely at each oil change providing the best environment for fresh oil to function.

Because of the trend for extended oil change intervals on most vehicles it means that at the drain point there is greater need to remove all the harmful residues.

Based on high flash point (non flammable) distillates KLEEN BURN Oil System Flush and Conditioner will not evaporate out of the oil like more volatile products and will retain its cleaning properties better when running in hot and high pressure environments. The inclusion of extreme pressure lubricants will ensure the engine will remain properly lubricated during cleaning and will not harm seal or gasket materials.

When used as directed it will:

  • Remove sludge deposits from oil ways
  • Free off sticking hydraulic valve lifters
  • Prevent bore glazing and polishing
  • Purge acid and alkali residues
  • Dissolve sticky gums and varnishes
  • Protect valve and cam oil supply
  • Restore compression
  • Boost oil pressure
  • Prevent new oil contamination
  • Prevent wear during the flush process

Suitable for all petrol, diesel and turbo engines.

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